…they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.
Acts 17:11
These are exclusive workbooks for the Church.
It is unique because it did not flow out of the mind of a single man. On the contrary, it came from the direct, immediate action of the Holy Spirit, operating in the life of the local church in Salvador, Bahia.
It is unique because it is not the result of a theory drawn up artificially. On the contrary, it jumped out of the Bible directly into the church’s life. It is a guide that has been calibrated by our experience through corrections and discipline of the Holy Spirit. And now comes back to the church’s practice as a dynamic teaching, precisely because it is truly practical.
It is unique because it is neither complicated nor confusing like theological studies and methods that are commonly used in teaching. On the contrary, it is as simple as the gospel is simple.
It is unique because it is neither dry nor bland as most teaching materials are. On the contrary, it is perceived, felt and almost immersed in the anointing that surrounds it and that is discerned by simply reading it.
It is therefore with great joy that we introduce this booklet which the Holy Spirit brought to our brethren in the Northeast of Brazil because we know that it can be a precious instrument for the Church of the Lord throughout our beloved Brazil and the World.
Moysés C. de Moraes
Presbytery in Porto Alegre
October 18th, 1990